![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxrichtextheaderfooterdatathis class represents header and footer data to be passed to the wxrichtextprinting and wxrichtextprintout classes. headers and footers can be specified independently for odd, even or both page sides. different text can be specified for left, centre and right locations on the page, and the font and text colour can also be specified. you can specify the following keywords in header and footer text, which will be substituted for the actual values during printing and preview.
include files <wx/richtex/richtextprint.h> data structures these are the header and footer page identifiers, passed to functions such as setfootertext to specify the odd or even page for the text:
enum wxrichtextoddevenpage { wxrichtext_page_odd, wxrichtext_page_even, wxrichtext_page_all, }these are the location identifiers for passing to functions such as setfootertext, to specify whether the text is on the left, centre or right of the page:
enum wxrichtextpagelocation { wxrichtext_page_left, wxrichtext_page_centre, wxrichtext_page_right }members
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::wxrichtextheaderfooterdatawxrichtextheaderfooterdata() wxrichtextheaderfooterdata(const wxrichtextheaderfooterdata& data) constructors.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::clearvoid clear() clears all text.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::copyvoid copy(const wxrichtextheaderfooterdata& data) copies the data.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::getfontconst wxfont& getfont() const returns the font specified for printing the header and footer.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::getfootermarginint getfootermargin() const returns the margin between the text and the footer.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::getfootertextwxstring getfootertext(wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_even, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) const returns the footer text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::getheadermarginint getheadermargin() const returns the margin between the text and the header.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::getheadertextwxstring getheadertext(wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_even, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) const returns the header text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::getshowonfirstpagebool getshowonfirstpage() const returns true if the header and footer will be shown on the first page.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::gettextwxstring gettext(int headerfooter, wxrichtextoddevenpage page, wxrichtextpagelocation location) const helper function for getting the header or footer text, odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::gettextcolourconst wxcolour& gettextcolour() const returns the text colour for drawing the header and footer.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::initvoid init() initialises the object.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::setfontvoid setfont(const wxfont& font) sets the font for drawing the header and footer.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::setfootertextvoid setfootertext(const wxstring& text, wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_all, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) sets the footer text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::setheadertextvoid setheadertext(const wxstring& text, wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_all, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) sets the header text on odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::setmarginsvoid setmargins(int headermargin, int footermargin) sets the margins between text and header or footer, in tenths of a millimeter.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::setshowonfirstpagevoid setshowonfirstpage(bool showonfirstpage) pass true to show the header or footer on first page (the default).
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::settextvoid settext(const wxstring& text, int headerfooter, wxrichtextoddevenpage page, wxrichtextpagelocation location) helper function for setting the header or footer text, odd or even pages, and at a given position on the page (left, centre or right).
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::settextcolourvoid settextcolour(const wxcolour& col) sets the text colour for drawing the header and footer.
wxrichtextheaderfooterdata::operator=void operator operator=(const wxrichtextheaderfooterdata& data) assignment operator.