![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxrichtextprintoutthis class implements print layout for wxrichtextbuffer. instead of using it directly, you should normally use the wxrichtextprinting class. derived from include files <wx/richtext/richtextprint.h> data structures members
wxrichtextprintout::wxrichtextprintoutwxrichtextprintout(const wxstring& title = wxt("printout")) constructor.
wxrichtextprintout::calculatescalingvoid calculatescaling(wxdc* dc, wxrect& textrect, wxrect& headerrect, wxrect& footerrect) calculates scaling and text, header and footer rectangles.
wxrichtextprintout::getheaderfooterdataconst wxrichtextheaderfooterdata& getheaderfooterdata() const returns the header and footer data associated with the printout.
wxrichtextprintout::getpageinfovoid getpageinfo(int* minpage, int* maxpage, int* selpagefrom, int* selpageto) gets the page information.
wxrichtextprintout::getrichtextbufferwxrichtextbuffer* getrichtextbuffer() const returns a pointer to the buffer being rendered.
wxrichtextprintout::haspagebool haspage(int page) returns true if the given page exists in the printout.
wxrichtextprintout::onprepareprintingvoid onprepareprinting() prepares for printing, laying out the buffer and calculating pagination.
wxrichtextprintout::onprintpagebool onprintpage(int page) does the actual printing for this page.
wxrichtextprintout::setheaderfooterdatavoid setheaderfooterdata(const wxrichtextheaderfooterdata& data) sets the header and footer data associated with the printout.
wxrichtextprintout::setmarginsvoid setmargins(int top = 252, int bottom = 252, int left = 252, int right = 252) sets margins in 10ths of millimetre. defaults to 1 inch for margins.
wxrichtextprintout::setrichtextbuffervoid setrichtextbuffer(wxrichtextbuffer* buffer) sets the buffer to print. wxrichtextprintout does not manage this pointer; it should be managed by the calling code, such as wxrichtextprinting.