![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxrichtextprintingthis class provides a simple interface for performing wxrichtextbuffer printing and previewing. it uses wxrichtextprintout for layout and rendering. derived from include files <wx/richtext/richtextprint.h> data structures members
wxrichtextprinting::wxrichtextprintingwxrichtextprinting(const wxstring& name = wxt("printing"), wxwindow* parentwindow = null) constructor. optionally pass a title to be used in the preview frame and printing wait dialog, and also a parent window for these windows.
wxrichtextprinting::getfootertextwxstring getfootertext(wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_even, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) const a convenience function to get the footer text. see wxrichtextheaderfooterdata for details.
wxrichtextprinting::getheaderfooterdataconst wxrichtextheaderfooterdata& getheaderfooterdata() const returns the internal wxrichtextheaderfooterdata object.
wxrichtextprinting::getheadertextwxstring getheadertext(wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_even, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) const a convenience function to get the header text. see wxrichtextheaderfooterdata for details.
wxrichtextprinting::getpagesetupdatawxpagesetupdialogdata* getpagesetupdata() returns a pointer to the internal page setup data.
wxrichtextprinting::getparentwindowwxwindow* getparentwindow() const returns the parent window to be used for the preview window and printing wait dialog.
wxrichtextprinting::getpreviewrectconst wxrect& getpreviewrect() const returns the dimensions to be used for the preview window.
wxrichtextprinting::getprintdatawxprintdata* getprintdata() returns a pointer to the internal print data.
wxrichtextprinting::gettitleconst wxstring& gettitle() const returns the title of the preview window or printing wait caption.
wxrichtextprinting::pagesetupvoid pagesetup() shows the page setup dialog.
wxrichtextprinting::previewbufferbool previewbuffer(const wxrichtextbuffer& buffer) shows a preview window for the given buffer. the function takes its own copy of buffer.
wxrichtextprinting::previewfilebool previewfile(const wxstring& richtextfile) shows a preview window for the given file. richtextfile can be a text file or xml file, or other file depending on the available file handlers.
wxrichtextprinting::printbufferbool printbuffer(const wxrichtextbuffer& buffer) prints the given buffer. the function takes its own copy of buffer.
wxrichtextprinting::printfilebool printfile(const wxstring& richtextfile) prints the given file. richtextfile can be a text file or xml file, or other file depending on the available file handlers.
wxrichtextprinting::setfootertextvoid setfootertext(const wxstring& text, wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_all, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) a convenience function to set the footer text. see wxrichtextheaderfooterdata for details.
wxrichtextprinting::setheaderfooterdatavoid setheaderfooterdata(const wxrichtextheaderfooterdata& data) sets the internal wxrichtextheaderfooterdata object.
wxrichtextprinting::setheaderfooterfontvoid setheaderfooterfont(const wxfont& font) sets the wxrichtextheaderfooterdata font.
wxrichtextprinting::setheaderfootertextcolourvoid setheaderfootertextcolour(const wxcolour& colour) sets the wxrichtextheaderfooterdata text colour.
wxrichtextprinting::setheadertextvoid setheadertext(const wxstring& text, wxrichtextoddevenpage page = wxrichtext_page_all, wxrichtextpagelocation location = wxrichtext_page_centre) a convenience function to set the header text. see wxrichtextheaderfooterdata for details.
wxrichtextprinting::setpagesetupdatavoid setpagesetupdata(const wxpagesetupdata& pagesetupdata) sets the page setup data.
wxrichtextprinting::setparentwindowvoid setparentwindow(wxwindow* parent) sets the parent window to be used for the preview window and printing wait dialog.
wxrichtextprinting::setpreviewrectvoid setpreviewrect(const wxrect& rect) sets the dimensions to be used for the preview window.
wxrichtextprinting::setprintdatavoid setprintdata(const wxprintdata& printdata) sets the print data.
wxrichtextprinting::setshowonfirstpagevoid setshowonfirstpage(bool show) pass true to show the header and footer on the first page.
wxrichtextprinting::settitlevoid settitle(const wxstring& title) pass the title of the preview window or printing wait caption.