![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxtextentrydialogthis class represents a dialog that requests a one-line text string from the user. it is implemented as a generic wxwidgets dialog. derived from
wxdialog include files <wx/textdlg.h> see also members
wxtextentrydialog::wxtextentrydialogwxtextentrydialog(wxwindow* parent, const wxstring& message, const wxstring& caption = "please enter text", const wxstring& defaultvalue = "", long style = wxok | wxcancel | wxcentre, const wxpoint& pos = wxdefaultposition) constructor. use wxtextentrydialog::showmodal to show the dialog. parameters parent
wxtextentrydialog::~wxtextentrydialog~wxtextentrydialog() destructor.
wxtextentrydialog::getvaluewxstring getvalue() const returns the text that the user has entered if the user has pressed ok, or the original value if the user has pressed cancel.
wxtextentrydialog::setvaluevoid setvalue(const wxstring& value) sets the default text value.
wxtextentrydialog::showmodalint showmodal() shows the dialog, returning wxid_ok if the user pressed ok, and wxid_cancel otherwise.