![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxtcpclienta wxtcpclient object represents the client part of a client-server conversation. it emulates a dde-style protocol, but uses tcp/ip which is available on most platforms. a dde-based implementation for windows is available using wxddeclient. to create a client which can communicate with a suitable server, you need to derive a class from wxtcpconnection and another from wxtcpclient. the custom wxtcpconnection class will intercept communications in a 'conversation' with a server, and the custom wxtcpserver is required so that a user-overridden wxtcpclient::onmakeconnection member can return a wxtcpconnection of the required class, when a connection is made. derived from
wxclientbase include files <wx/sckipc.h> see also wxtcpserver, wxtcpconnection, interprocess communications overview members
wxtcpclient::wxtcpclientwxtcpclient() constructs a client object.
wxtcpclient::makeconnectionwxconnectionbase * makeconnection(const wxstring& host, const wxstring& service, const wxstring& topic) tries to make a connection with a server specified by the host (a machine name under unix), service name (must contain an integer port number under unix), and a topic string. if the server allows a connection, a wxtcpconnection object will be returned. the type of wxtcpconnection returned can be altered by overriding the wxtcpclient::onmakeconnection member to return your own derived connection object.
wxtcpclient::onmakeconnectionwxconnectionbase * onmakeconnection() the type of wxtcpconnection returned from a wxtcpclient::makeconnection call can be altered by deriving the onmakeconnection member to return your own derived connection object. by default, a wxtcpconnection object is returned. the advantage of deriving your own connection class is that it will enable you to intercept messages initiated by the server, such as wxtcpconnection::onadvise. you may also want to store application-specific data in instances of the new class.
wxtcpclient::validhostbool validhost(const wxstring& host) returns true if this is a valid host name, false otherwise.