![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxsashwindowwxsashwindow allows any of its edges to have a sash which can be dragged to resize the window. the actual content window will be created by the application as a child of wxsashwindow. the window (or an ancestor) will be notified of a drag via a wxsashevent notification. derived from
wxwindow include files <wx/sashwin.h> window styles the following styles apply in addition to the normal wxwindow styles.
see also window styles overview. event handling
data types
see also wxsashevent, wxsashlayoutwindow, event handling overview members
wxsashwindow::wxsashwindowwxsashwindow() default constructor. wxsashwindow(wxwindow* parent, wxwindowid id, const wxpoint& pos = wxdefaultposition, const wxsize& size = wxdefaultsize, long style = wxclip_children | wxsw_3d, const wxstring& name = "sashwindow") constructs a sash window, which can be a child of a frame, dialog or any other non-control window. parameters parent
wxsashwindow::~wxsashwindow~wxsashwindow() destructor.
wxsashwindow::getsashvisiblebool getsashvisible(wxsashedgeposition edge) const returns true if a sash is visible on the given edge, false otherwise. parameters edge
see also
wxsashwindow::getmaximumsizexint getmaximumsizex() const gets the maximum window size in the x direction.
wxsashwindow::getmaximumsizeyint getmaximumsizey() const gets the maximum window size in the y direction.
wxsashwindow::getminimumsizexint getminimumsizex() gets the minimum window size in the x direction.
wxsashwindow::getminimumsizeyint getminimumsizey() const gets the minimum window size in the y direction.
wxsashwindow::hasborderbool hasborder(wxsashedgeposition edge) const returns true if the sash has a border, false otherwise. this function is obsolete since the sash border property is unused. parameters edge
see also
wxsashwindow::setmaximumsizexvoid setmaximumsizex(int min) sets the maximum window size in the x direction.
wxsashwindow::setmaximumsizeyvoid setmaximumsizey(int min) sets the maximum window size in the y direction.
wxsashwindow::setminimumsizexvoid setminimumsizex(int min) sets the minimum window size in the x direction.
wxsashwindow::setminimumsizeyvoid setminimumsizey(int min) sets the minimum window size in the y direction.
wxsashwindow::setsashvisiblevoid setsashvisible(wxsashedgeposition edge, bool visible) call this function to make a sash visible or invisible on a particular edge. parameters edge
see also
wxsashwindow::setsashbordervoid setsashborder(wxsashedgeposition edge, bool hasborder) call this function to give the sash a border, or remove the border. this function is obsolete since the sash border property is unused. parameters edge
see also