![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxprintdialogdatathis class holds information related to the visual characteristics of wxprintdialog. it contains a wxprintdata object with underlying printing settings. derived from include files <wx/cmndata.h> see also printing framework overview, wxprintdialog, wxprintdialog overview members
wxprintdialogdata::wxprintdialogdatawxprintdialogdata() default constructor. wxprintdialogdata(wxprintdialogdata& dialogdata) copy constructor. wxprintdialogdata(wxprintdata& printdata) construct an object from a print dialog data object.
wxprintdialogdata::~wxprintdialogdata~wxprintdialogdata() destructor.
wxprintdialogdata::enablehelpvoid enablehelp(bool flag) enables or disables the 'help' button.
wxprintdialogdata::enablepagenumbersvoid enablepagenumbers(bool flag) enables or disables the 'page numbers' controls.
wxprintdialogdata::enableprinttofilevoid enableprinttofile(bool flag) enables or disables the 'print to file' checkbox.
wxprintdialogdata::enableselectionvoid enableselection(bool flag) enables or disables the 'selection' radio button.
wxprintdialogdata::getallpagesbool getallpages() const returns true if the user requested that all pages be printed.
wxprintdialogdata::getcollatebool getcollate() const returns true if the user requested that the document(s) be collated.
wxprintdialogdata::getfrompageint getfrompage() const returns the from page number, as entered by the user.
wxprintdialogdata::getmaxpageint getmaxpage() const returns the maximum page number.
wxprintdialogdata::getminpageint getminpage() const returns the minimum page number.
wxprintdialogdata::getnocopiesint getnocopies() const returns the number of copies requested by the user.
wxprintdialogdata::getprintdatawxprintdata& getprintdata() returns a reference to the internal wxprintdata object.
wxprintdialogdata::getprinttofilebool getprinttofile() const returns true if the user has selected printing to a file.
wxprintdialogdata::getselectionbool getselection() const returns true if the user requested that the selection be printed (where 'selection' is a concept specific to the application).
wxprintdialogdata::gettopageint gettopage() const returns the to page number, as entered by the user.
wxprintdialogdata::isokbool isok() const returns true if the print data is valid for using in print dialogs. this can return false on windows if the current printer is not set, for example. on all other platforms, it returns true.
wxprintdialogdata::setcollatevoid setcollate(bool flag) sets the 'collate' checkbox to true or false.
wxprintdialogdata::setfrompagevoid setfrompage(int page) sets the from page number.
wxprintdialogdata::setmaxpagevoid setmaxpage(int page) sets the maximum page number.
wxprintdialogdata::setminpagevoid setminpage(int page) sets the minimum page number.
wxprintdialogdata::setnocopiesvoid setnocopies(int n) sets the default number of copies the user has requested to be printed out.
wxprintdialogdata::setprintdatavoid setprintdata(const wxprintdata& printdata) sets the internal wxprintdata.
wxprintdialogdata::setprinttofilevoid setprinttofile(bool flag) sets the 'print to file' checkbox to true or false.
wxprintdialogdata::setselectionvoid setselection(bool flag) selects the 'selection' radio button. the effect of printing the selection depends on how the application implements this command, if at all.
wxprintdialogdata::setsetupdialogvoid setsetupdialog(bool flag) determines whether the dialog to be shown will be the print dialog (pass false) or print setup dialog (pass true). this function has been deprecated since version 2.5.4.
wxprintdialogdata::settopagevoid settopage(int page) sets the to page number.
wxprintdialogdata::operator =void operator =(const wxprintdata& data) assigns print data to this object. void operator =(const wxprintdialogdata& data) assigns another print dialog data object to this object.