![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxgridrangeselecteventderived from
wxnotifyevent event handling the event handler for the following functions takes a wxgridrangeselectevent parameter. the ..._cmd_... variants also take a window identifier.
<wx/grid.h> members
wxgridrangeselectevent::wxgridrangeselecteventwxgridrangeselectevent() default constructor. wxgridrangeselectevent(int id, wxeventtype type, wxobject* obj, const wxgridcellcoords& topleft, const wxgridcellcoords& bottomright, bool sel = true, bool control = false, bool shift = false, bool alt = false, bool meta = false)
wxgridrangeselectevent::altdownbool altdown() returns true if the alt key was down at the time of the event.
wxgridrangeselectevent::controldownbool controldown() returns true if the control key was down at the time of the event.
wxgridrangeselectevent::getbottomrightcoordswxgridcellcoords getbottomrightcoords() top left corner of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
wxgridrangeselectevent::getbottomrowint getbottomrow() bottom row of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
wxgridrangeselectevent::getleftcolint getleftcol() left column of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
wxgridrangeselectevent::getrightcolint getrightcol() right column of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
wxgridrangeselectevent::gettopleftcoordswxgridcellcoords gettopleftcoords() top left corner of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
wxgridrangeselectevent::gettoprowint gettoprow() top row of the rectangular area that was (de)selected.
wxgridrangeselectevent::metadownbool metadown() returns true if the meta key was down at the time of the event.
wxgridrangeselectevent::selectingbool selecting() returns true if the area was selected, false otherwise.
wxgridrangeselectevent::shiftdownbool shiftdown() returns true if the shift key was down at the time of the event.