![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxgridcellattrthis class can be used to alter the cells' appearance in the grid by changing their colour/font/... from default. an object of this class may be returned by wxgridtable::getattr(). derived from no base class include files <wx/grid.h> members
wxgridcellattr::wxgridcellattrwxgridcellattr() default constructor. wxgridcellattr(const wxcolour& coltext, const wxcolour& colback, const wxfont& font, int halign, int valign) constructor specifying some of the often used attributes.
wxgridcellattr::clonewxgridcellattr* clone() const creates a new copy of this object.
wxgridcellattr::increfvoid incref() this class is ref counted: it is created with ref count of 1, so calling decref() once will delete it. calling incref() allows to lock it until the matching decref() is called
wxgridcellattr::decrefvoid decref()
wxgridcellattr::settextcolourvoid settextcolour(const wxcolour& coltext) sets the text colour.
wxgridcellattr::setbackgroundcolourvoid setbackgroundcolour(const wxcolour& colback) sets the background colour.
wxgridcellattr::setfontvoid setfont(const wxfont& font) sets the font.
wxgridcellattr::setalignmentvoid setalignment(int halign, int valign) sets the alignment. halign can be one of wxalign_left, wxalign_centre or wxalign_right and valign can be one of wxalign_top, wxalign_centre or wxalign_bottom.
wxgridcellattr::setreadonlyvoid setreadonly(bool isreadonly = true)
wxgridcellattr::setrenderervoid setrenderer(wxgridcellrenderer* renderer) takes ownership of the pointer
wxgridcellattr::seteditorvoid seteditor(wxgridcelleditor* editor)
wxgridcellattr::hastextcolourbool hastextcolour() const accessors
wxgridcellattr::hasbackgroundcolourbool hasbackgroundcolour() const
wxgridcellattr::hasfontbool hasfont() const
wxgridcellattr::hasalignmentbool hasalignment() const
wxgridcellattr::hasrendererbool hasrenderer() const
wxgridcellattr::haseditorbool haseditor() const
wxgridcellattr::gettextcolourconst wxcolour& gettextcolour() const
wxgridcellattr::getbackgroundcolourconst wxcolour& getbackgroundcolour() const
wxgridcellattr::getfontconst wxfont& getfont() const
wxgridcellattr::getalignmentvoid getalignment(int* halign, int* valign) const wxperl note: this method takes no parameters and returns a 2-element list ( halign, valign ). see setalignment for the returned values.
wxgridcellattr::getrendererwxgridcellrenderer* getrenderer(wxgrid* grid, int row, int col) const
wxgridcellattr::geteditorwxgridcelleditor* geteditor(wxgrid* grid, int row, int col) const
wxgridcellattr::isreadonlybool isreadonly() const
wxgridcellattr::setdefattrvoid setdefattr(wxgridcellattr* defattr)