![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxgenericvalidatorwxgenericvalidator performs data transfer (but not validation or filtering) for the following basic controls: wxbutton, wxcheckbox, wxlistbox, wxstatictext, wxradiobutton, wxradiobox, wxchoice, wxcombobox, wxgauge, wxslider, wxscrollbar, wxspinbutton, wxtextctrl, wxchecklistbox. it checks the type of the window and uses an appropriate type for that window. for example, wxbutton and wxtextctrl transfer data to and from a wxstring variable; wxlistbox uses a wxarrayint; wxcheckbox uses a bool. for more information, please see validator overview. derived from
wxvalidator include files <wx/valgen.h> see also validator overview, wxvalidator, wxtextvalidator members
wxgenericvalidator::wxgenericvalidatorwxgenericvalidator(const wxgenericvalidator& validator) copy constructor. wxgenericvalidator(bool* valptr) constructor taking a bool pointer. this will be used for wxcheckbox and wxradiobutton. wxgenericvalidator(wxstring* valptr) constructor taking a wxstring pointer. this will be used for wxbutton, wxcombobox, wxstatictext, wxtextctrl. wxgenericvalidator(int* valptr) constructor taking an integer pointer. this will be used for wxgauge, wxscrollbar, wxradiobox, wxspinbutton, wxchoice. wxgenericvalidator(wxarrayint* valptr) constructor taking a wxarrayint pointer. this will be used for wxlistbox, wxchecklistbox. parameters validator
wxgenericvalidator::~wxgenericvalidator~wxgenericvalidator() destructor.
wxgenericvalidator::clonevirtual wxvalidator* clone() const clones the generic validator using the copy constructor.
wxgenericvalidator::transferfromwindowvirtual bool transferfromwindow() transfers the value from the window to the appropriate data type.
wxgenericvalidator::transfertowindowvirtual bool transfertowindow() transfers the value to the window.