![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxfilehistorythe wxfilehistory encapsulates a user interface convenience, the list of most recently visited files as shown on a menu (usually the file menu). wxfilehistory can manage one or more file menus. more than one menu may be required in an mdi application, where the file history should appear on each mdi child menu as well as the mdi parent frame. derived from include files <wx/docview.h> see also wxfilehistory overview, wxdocmanager members
wxfilehistory::m_filehistorychar** m_filehistory a character array of strings corresponding to the most recently opened files.
wxfilehistory::m_filehistorynsize_t m_filehistoryn the number of files stored in the history array.
wxfilehistory::m_filemaxfilessize_t m_filemaxfiles the maximum number of files to be stored and displayed on the menu.
wxfilehistory::m_filemenuwxmenu* m_filemenu the file menu used to display the file history list (if enabled).
wxfilehistory::wxfilehistorywxfilehistory(size_t maxfiles = 9, wxwindowid idbase = wxid_file1) constructor. pass the maximum number of files that should be stored and displayed. idbase defaults to wxid_file1 and represents the id given to the first history menu item. since menu items can't share the same id you should change idbase (to one of your own defined ids) when using more than one wxfilehistory in your application.
wxfilehistory::~wxfilehistory~wxfilehistory() destructor.
wxfilehistory::addfiletohistoryvoid addfiletohistory(const wxstring& filename) adds a file to the file history list, if the object has a pointer to an appropriate file menu.
wxfilehistory::addfilestomenuvoid addfilestomenu() appends the files in the history list, to all menus managed by the file history object. void addfilestomenu(wxmenu* menu) appends the files in the history list, to the given menu only.
wxfilehistory::getbaseidwxwindowid getbaseid() const returns the base identifier for the range used for appending items.
wxfilehistory::getcountsize_t getcount() const returns the number of files currently stored in the file history.
wxfilehistory::gethistoryfilewxstring gethistoryfile(size_t index) const returns the file at this index (zero-based).
wxfilehistory::getmaxfilesint getmaxfiles() const returns the maximum number of files that can be stored.
wxfilehistory::getmenusconst wxlist& getmenus() const returns the list of menus that are managed by this file history object. see also
wxfilehistory::loadvoid load(wxconfigbase& config) loads the file history from the given config object. this function should be called explicitly by the application. see also
wxfilehistory::removefilefromhistoryvoid removefilefromhistory(size_t i) removes the specified file from the history.
wxfilehistory::removemenuvoid removemenu(wxmenu* menu) removes this menu from the list of those managed by this object.
wxfilehistory::savevoid save(wxconfigbase& config) saves the file history into the given config object. this must be called explicitly by the application. see also
wxfilehistory::setbaseidvoid setbaseid(wxwindowid baseid) sets the base identifier for the range used for appending items.
wxfilehistory::usemenuvoid usemenu(wxmenu* menu) adds this menu to the list of those menus that are managed by this file history object. also see addfilestomenu() for initializing the menu with filenames that are already in the history when this function is called, as this is not done automatically.