![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxdataviewcolumnthis class represents a column in a wxdataviewctrl. one wxdataviewcolumn is bound to one column in the data model, to which the wxdataviewctrl has been associated. an instance of wxdataviewrenderer is used by this class to render its data. constants these flags define behavi
derived from include files <wx/dataview.h>
wxdataviewcolumn::wxdataviewcolumnwxdataviewcolumn(const wxstring& title, wxdataviewrenderer* renderer, unsigned int model_column, int width = 80, int flags = wxdataview_col_resizable) wxdataviewcolumn(const wxbitmap& bitmap, wxdataviewrenderer* renderer, unsigned int model_column, int width = 80, int flags = wxdataview_col_resizable) constructors.
wxdataviewcolumn::~wxdataviewcolumn~wxdataviewcolumn() destructor.
wxdataviewcolumn::getbitmapconst wxbitmap& getbitmap() returns the bitmap in the header of the column, if any.
wxdataviewcolumn::getmodelcolumnunsigned int getmodelcolumn() returns the index of the column of the model, which this wxdataviewcolumn is displaying.
wxdataviewcolumn::getownerwxdataviewctrl* getowner() returns the owning wxdataviewctrl.
wxdataviewcolumn::getrendererwxdataviewrenderer* getrenderer() returns the renderer of this wxdataviewcolumn. see also wxdataviewrenderer.
wxdataviewcolumn::getsortablebool getsortable() returns true if the column is sortable. see setsortable
wxdataviewcolumn::getwidthint getwidth() returns the width of the column.
wxdataviewcolumn::issortorderascendingbool issortorderascending() returns true, if the sort order is ascending. see also setsortorder
wxdataviewcolumn::setalignmentvoid setalignment(wxalignment align) set the alignment of the column header.
wxdataviewcolumn::setbitmapvoid setbitmap(const wxbitmap& bitmap) set the bitmap of the column header.
wxdataviewcolumn::setsortordervoid setsortorder(bool ascending) indicate the sort order if the implementation of the wxdataviewctrl supports it, most commonly by showing a little arrow. use this in conjunction with wxdataviewsortedlistmodel::setascending to sort the actual data.
wxdataviewcolumn::setsortablevoid setsortable(bool sortable) indicate that the column is sortable. this is only to provide a visual hint in the column (such as a sort order indicator). it will not actually sort the data. use a wxdataviewsortedlistmodel to so the sorting.
wxdataviewcolumn::settitlevoid settitle(const wxstring& title) set the title of the column header to title.