![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxcombopopupin order to use a custom popup with wxcomboctrl, an interface class must be derived from wxcombopopup. for more information how to use it, see setting custom popup for wxcomboctrl. include files <combo.h> see also members
wxcombopopup::wxcombopopupwxcombopopup() default constructor. it is recommended that internal variables are prepared in init instead (because m_combo is not valid in constructor).
wxcombopopup::m_combowxcomboctrl m_combo parent wxcomboctrl. this is parameter has been prepared before init is called.
wxcombopopup::createbool create(wxwindow* parent) the derived class must implement this to create the popup control. return value true if the call succeeded, false otherwise.
wxcombopopup::dismissvoid dismiss() utility function that hides the popup.
wxcombopopup::getadjustedsizewxsize getadjustedsize(int minwidth, int prefheight, int maxheight) the derived class may implement this to return adjusted size for the popup control, according to the variables given. parameters minwidth
remarks called each time popup is about to be shown.
wxcombopopup::getcontrolwxwindow* getcontrol() the derived class must implement this to return pointer to the associated control created in create.
wxcombopopup::getstringvaluewxstring getstringvalue() const the derived class must implement this to return string representation of the value.
wxcombopopup::initvoid init() the derived class must implement this to initialize its internal variables. this method is called immediately after construction finishes. m_combo member variable has been initialized before the call.
wxcombopopup::iscreatedbool iscreated() const utility method that returns true if create has been called. useful in conjunction with lazycreate.
wxcombopopup::lazycreatebool lazycreate() the derived class may implement this to return true if it wants to delay call to create until the popup is shown for the first time. it is more efficient, but on the other hand it is often more convenient to have the control created immediately. remarks base implementation returns false.
wxcombopopup::oncombodoubleclickvoid oncombodoubleclick() the derived class may implement this to do something when the parent wxcomboctrl gets double-clicked.
wxcombopopup::oncombokeyeventvoid oncombokeyevent(wxkeyevent& event) the derived class may implement this to receive key events from the parent wxcomboctrl. events not handled should be skipped, as usual.
wxcombopopup::ondismissvoid ondismiss() the derived class may implement this to do special processing when popup is hidden.
wxcombopopup::onpopupvoid onpopup() the derived class may implement this to do special processing when popup is shown.
wxcombopopup::paintcombocontrolvoid paintcombocontrol(wxdc& dc, const wxrect& rect) the derived class may implement this to paint the parent wxcomboctrl. default implementation draws value as string.
wxcombopopup::setstringvaluevoid setstringvalue(const wxstring& value) the derived class must implement this to receive string value changes from wxcomboctrl.