![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxclassinfothis class stores meta-information about classes. instances of this class are not generally defined directly by an application, but indirectly through use of macros such as declare_dynamic_class and implement_dynamic_class. derived from no parent class. include files <wx/object.h> see also members
wxclassinfo::wxclassinfowxclassinfo(const wxchar * classname, const wxclassinfo * baseclass1, const wxclassinfo * baseclass2, int size, wxobjectconstructorfn fn) constructs a wxclassinfo object. the supplied macros implicitly construct objects of this class, so there is no need to create such objects explicitly in an application.
wxclassinfo::createobjectwxobject* createobject() const creates an object of the appropriate kind. returns null if the class has not been declared dynamically creatable (typically, it is an abstract class).
wxclassinfo::findclassstatic wxclassinfo * findclass(wxchar * name) finds the wxclassinfo object for a class of the given string name.
wxclassinfo::getbaseclassname1wxchar * getbaseclassname1() const returns the name of the first base class (null if none).
wxclassinfo::getbaseclassname2wxchar * getbaseclassname2() const returns the name of the second base class (null if none).
wxclassinfo::getclassnamewxchar * getclassname() const returns the string form of the class name.
wxclassinfo::getsizeint getsize() const returns the size of the class.
wxclassinfo::initializeclassesstatic void initializeclasses() initializes pointers in the wxclassinfo objects for fast execution of iskindof. called in base wxwidgets library initialization.
wxclassinfo::isdynamicbool isdynamic() const returns true if this class info can create objects of the associated class.
wxclassinfo::iskindofbool iskindof(wxclassinfo* info) returns true if this class is a kind of (inherits from) the given class.