Версия: 0.2.1, 0.3-dev (Qt 4.x)
Сайт: Здесь
Простой multi-document (tabbed) текстовый редактор с подсветкой синтаксиса для множества языков.
Имеются локализации для таких языков: английский, французкий, немецкий, польский, русский, испанский (не полный).
Сообщить об ошибке и по поводу запроса добавления-исправляния добропожаловать в bug tracker:
Последний релиз можно найти в SVN:
Список изменений:
Основные различия между 0.3-dev и 0.2:
- uses QScintilla text component, therefore:
- needs QScintilla2 component installed (may have different package name in different distros. In general, you need QScintilla component for Qt4);
- has syntax highlightings for Bash, C++, C#, CSS, D, HTML/PHP, Java, JavaScript, IDL, Lua, Makefile, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL, XML (can be customized for Bash, C++, HTML/PHP, JavaScript, Makefile, Perl, Python, Ruby, XML for now);
- has advanced auto-indent;
- highlights matching braces;
- highlights the current line;
- highlights indents;
- has code blocks folding;
- allows to select syntax highlighting scheme manually;
- has one built-in icon theme, other icon themes now should be at user's home dir;
- another format of highlighting scheme files (new schemes do not conflict with old ones and can be used in parallels);
- restores cursor position when loading stored session (WARNING: session stored by 0.3 version CAN'T be opened by 0.2 version!)
ATTENTION: this is deeply development branch, bugs are highly possible (please report if you find some).
Version 0.2.1:
- Fixed: markers' labels in 'Markers' menu don't update when document text was changed
- Fixed: (Windows) sometimes wrong tab name appeared after 'Save as' action (relative or absolute file path instead of file name)
- Fixed: (Windows) multiple asking 'what to do?' when file was modified by external program
- Fixed: menu item 'Recent files' has an old icon when icon theme changed
- Fixed: middle click for closing tabs doesn't work in Windows build
Version 0.2 changelog:
- Added: line markers;
- Added: opening of multiple files with "Open file" dialog and command line;
- Added: using existing instance of application for opening files;
- Added: notification of changing file by external program;
- Added: "Recent files" menu;
- Added: closing documents with middle-click on the corresponding tab;
- Added: optional making a backup copy of file when saving;
- Added: auto-saving option;
- Added: line length indicator;
- Added: options "Show line numbers" and "Adjust by width" for each document separately;
- Added: session name and file name in window title;
- Added: license to "About" dialog;
- Added: option "Save as a copy" to "Save as" dialog;
- Added: toolbar icons size changing;
- Added: German, French and Spanish localizations;
- Changed: improved response when search reaches the end or the beginning of the document;
- Changed: new "About" dialog;
For full ChangeLog see the source package.
Лицензия: GPL