Версия: 0.1 (Qt 4.x)
Сайт: Здесь
ArchAssistant is a systray docking app that lets you have quick access to various administration aspects of the Arch Linux distro. The main feature is a gui for the Arch's network profiles system (using the netcfg command line).
- quick access to the main system files (ie rc.conf, profile, pacman.conf, xorg.conf ...) via a built in simple text editor.
- netcfg front-end : quite complete gui for the Arch's network profile system. You can connect to, create and edit network profiles in a few clicks. ArchAssistant has an autostart functionality that lets the app connect to the first wifi network discovered upon start.
- the pacman part has been mostly disabled (didn't work as expected).
- collection of the most useful comnand lines to check system informations.
- custom app launcher from menu
- french translation
Список изменений:
Version 0.1 (launched 2007/10/04)
Лицензия: GPL