![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxrichtextxmlhandlera handler for loading and saving content in an xml format specific to wxrichtextbuffer. you can either add the handler to the buffer and load and save through the buffer or control api, or you can create an instance of the handler on the stack and call its functions directly. handler flags the following flags can be used with this handler, via the handler's setflags function or the buffer or control's sethandlerflags function:
derived from include files <wx/richtext/richtextxml.h> data structures members
wxrichtextxmlhandler::wxrichtextxmlhandlerwxrichtextxmlhandler(const wxstring& name = wxt("xml"), const wxstring& ext = wxt("xml"), int type = wxrichtext_type_xml) constructor.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::canloadbool canload() const returns true.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::cansavebool cansave() const returns true.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::createstylewxstring createstyle(const wxtextattrex& attr, bool ispara = false) creates xml code for a given character or paragraph style.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::doloadfilebool doloadfile(wxrichtextbuffer* buffer, wxinputstream& stream) loads buffer context from the given stream.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::dosavefilebool dosavefile(wxrichtextbuffer* buffer, wxoutputstream& stream) saves buffer context to the given stream.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::exportxmlbool exportxml(wxoutputstream& stream, wxmbconv* convmem, wxmbconv* convfile, wxrichtextobject& obj, int level) recursively exports an object to the stream.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::getnodecontentwxstring getnodecontent(wxxmlnode* node) helper function: gets node context.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::getparamnodewxxmlnode* getparamnode(wxxmlnode* node, const wxstring& param) helper function: gets a named parameter from the xml node.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::getparamvaluewxstring getparamvalue(wxxmlnode* node, const wxstring& param) helper function: gets a named parameter from the xml node.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::getstylebool getstyle(wxtextattrex& attr, wxxmlnode* node, bool ispara = false) helper function: gets style parameters from the given xml node.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::gettextwxstring gettext(wxxmlnode* node, const wxstring& param = wxemptystring, bool translate = false) helper function: gets text from the node.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::hasparambool hasparam(wxxmlnode* node, const wxstring& param) helper function: returns true if the node has the given parameter.
wxrichtextxmlhandler::importxmlbool importxml(wxrichtextbuffer* buffer, wxxmlnode* node) recursively imports an object.