![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxpreviewcontrolbarthis is the default implementation of the preview control bar, a panel with buttons and a zoom control. you can derive a new class from this and override some or all member functions to change the behaviour and appearance; or you can leave it as it is. derived from
wxpanel include files <wx/print.h> see also wxpreviewframe, wxpreviewcanvas, wxprintpreview members
wxpreviewcontrolbar::wxpreviewcontrolbarwxpreviewcontrolbar(wxprintpreview* preview, long buttons, wxwindow* parent, const wxpoint& pos = wxdefaultposition, const wxsize& size = wxdefaultsize, long style = 0, const wxstring& name = "panel") constructor. the buttons parameter may be a combination of the following, using the bitwise 'or' operator.
wxpreviewcontrolbar::~wxpreviewcontrolbar~wxpreviewcontrolbar() destructor.
wxpreviewcontrolbar::createbuttonsvoid createbuttons() creates buttons, according to value of the button style flags.
wxpreviewcontrolbar::getprintpreviewwxprintpreview * getprintpreview() gets the print preview object associated with the control bar.
wxpreviewcontrolbar::getzoomcontrolint getzoomcontrol() gets the current zoom setting in percent.
wxpreviewcontrolbar::setzoomcontrolvoid setzoomcontrol(int percent) sets the zoom control.