![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wxjoystickeventthis event class contains information about mouse events, particularly events received by windows. derived from include files <wx/event.h> event table macros to process a mouse event, use these event handler macros to direct input to member functions that take a wxjoystickevent argument.
wxjoystickevent::wxjoystickeventwxjoystickevent(wxtype eventtype = 0, int state = 0, int joystick = wxjoystick1, int change = 0) constructor.
wxjoystickevent::buttondownbool buttondown(int button = wxjoy_button_any) const returns true if the event was a down event from the specified button (or any button). parameters button
wxjoystickevent::buttonisdownbool buttonisdown(int button = wxjoy_button_any) const returns true if the specified button (or any button) was in a down state. parameters button
wxjoystickevent::buttonupbool buttonup(int button = wxjoy_button_any) const returns true if the event was an up event from the specified button (or any button). parameters button
wxjoystickevent::getbuttonchangeint getbuttonchange() const returns the identifier of the button changing state. this is a wxjoy_buttonn identifier, where n is one of 1, 2, 3, 4.
wxjoystickevent::getbuttonstateint getbuttonstate() const returns the down state of the buttons. this is a bitlist of wxjoy_buttonn identifiers, where n is one of 1, 2, 3, 4.
wxjoystickevent::getjoystickint getjoystick() const returns the identifier of the joystick generating the event - one of wxjoystick1 and wxjoystick2.
wxjoystickevent::getpositionwxpoint getposition() const returns the x, y position of the joystick event.
wxjoystickevent::getzpositionint getzposition() const returns the z position of the joystick event.
wxjoystickevent::isbuttonbool isbutton() const returns true if this was a button up or down event (not 'is any button down?').
wxjoystickevent::ismovebool ismove() const returns true if this was an x, y move event.
wxjoystickevent::iszmovebool iszmove() const returns true if this was a z move event.