wxfileoutputstreamthis class represents data written to a file. there are actually two such groups of classes: this one is based on wxfile whereas wxffileinputstream is based in the wxffile class. note that seeko() can seek beyond the end of the stream (file) and will thus not return wxinvalidoffset for that. derived from include files <wx/wfstream.h> see also wxbufferedoutputstream, wxfileinputstream, wxffileinputstream members
wxfileoutputstream::wxfileoutputstreamwxfileoutputstream(const wxstring& ofilename) creates a new file with ofilename name and initializes the stream in write-only mode. wxfileoutputstream(wxfile& file) initializes a file stream in write-only mode using the file i/o object file. wxfileoutputstream(int fd) initializes a file stream in write-only mode using the file descriptor fd.
wxfileoutputstream::~wxfileoutputstream~wxfileoutputstream() destructor.
wxfileoutputstream::isokbool isok() const returns true if the stream is initialized and ready.