synopsis#include <gtk/gtk.h> gtklistitem; gtkwidget* gtk_list_item_new (void); gtkwidget* gtk_list_item_new_with_label (const gchar *label); void gtk_list_item_select (gtklistitem *list_item); void gtk_list_item_deselect (gtklistitem *list_item); object hierarchygobject +----ginitiallyunowned +----gtkobject +----gtkwidget +----gtkcontainer +----gtkbin +----gtkitem +----gtklistitem signals"end-selection" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "extend-selection" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gtkscrolltype scroll_type, gfloat position, gboolean auto_start_selection, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "scroll-horizontal" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gtkscrolltype scroll_type, gfloat position, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "scroll-vertical" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gtkscrolltype scroll_type, gfloat position, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "select-all" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "start-selection" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "toggle-add-mode" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "toggle-focus-row" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "undo-selection" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action "unselect-all" void user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action descriptionthe gtklistitem widget is used for each item in a gtklist. gtklist has has been deprecated since gtk+ 2.0 and should not be used in newly written code. use gtktreeview instead. detailsgtklistitemtypedef struct _gtklistitem gtklistitem; warninggtklistitem is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. the gtklistitem struct contains private data only, and should only be accessed using the functions below. gtk_list_item_new ()gtkwidget* gtk_list_item_new (void); warninggtk_list_item_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. creates a new gtklistitem.
gtk_list_item_new_with_label ()gtkwidget* gtk_list_item_new_with_label (const gchar *label); warninggtk_list_item_new_with_label is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. creates a new gtklistitem with a child label containing the given string.
gtk_list_item_select ()void gtk_list_item_select (gtklistitem *list_item); warninggtk_list_item_select is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. selects the item, by emitting the item's "select" signal. depending on the selection mode of the list, this may cause other items to be deselected.
gtk_list_item_deselect ()void gtk_list_item_deselect (gtklistitem *list_item); warninggtk_list_item_deselect is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code. deselects the item, by emitting the item's "deselect" signal.
signal detailsthe "end-selection" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "extend-selection" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gtkscrolltype scroll_type, gfloat position, gboolean auto_start_selection, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "scroll-horizontal" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gtkscrolltype scroll_type, gfloat position, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "scroll-vertical" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gtkscrolltype scroll_type, gfloat position, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "select-all" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "start-selection" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "toggle-add-mode" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "toggle-focus-row" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "undo-selection" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action
the "unselect-all" signalvoid user_function (gtklistitem *listitem, gpointer user_data) : run last / action