Версия: 0.3 (Qt 4.x)
Сайт: Здесь
ArchAssistant is a systray docking app that lets you have quick access to various administration aspects of the Arch Linux distro. The main feature is a gui for the Arch's network profiles system (using the netcfg command line), which is very useful for laptop users.
- quick access to the main system files (ie rc.conf, profile, pacman.conf, xorg.conf ...) via a built-in simple text editor.
- netcfg2 front-end : quite complete GUI for the Arch's network profile system. You can connect to, create and edit network profiles in a few clicks. ArchAssistant has an autostart functionality that lets the app connect to the first wifi network discovered upon start.
- the pacman part has been mostly disabled (didn't work as expected).
- collection of the most useful command lines to check system informations.
- custom app launcher from menu
- english, french, german translations
- arch linux distro !
- QT (I mean qt4)
- netcfg2
Список изменений:
version 0.3 (Mar 24 2008):
- added : reason of error message upon profile connection (netcfg output) is displayed in systray message.
- added : archassistant is now aware of currently connected profiles : systray icon & tooltip are updated accordingly, even if profiles are connected/disconnected outside archassistant.
- added : middle click systray icon shows the Arch Profile Manager dialog
- enhanced Arch Profile Manager dialog : added copy button, disconnect button, profile connection state information
- added : check & correct profile name syntax in profile editor and profile manager
- updated icons
- added german translation (thanks to n8schicht)
- added Makefile and install script (translations are no more embedded in the binary)
version 0.2 (Mar 11 2008):
- exclusive support for netcfg2.
- icons updated.
- added very simple animated systray icon while connecting.
- double-click the systray icon launches an automatic connection.
- added dialogs : disconnect active profiles, disconnect active network devices, settings configuration, user editable lists.
- added new menu : Sticky Clipboard menu
- updated & bugfixed : profile manager & profile editor dialogs.
- updated french translation.
- updated default user lists (system files, external commands, system files).
version 0.1 (Oct 5 2007) : initial release.
Лицензия: GPL